Super Inday at ILOMOCA


“Super Inday” is the offshoot of Palangga Prison Art; Triple Lockdown Showdown which started as Freedom in Prison passion project which evolved into a restorative social enterprise showcasing the artworks produced with the women artists as Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) in Iloilo City District Jail Female Dormitory in Iloilo City (ICDJFD) and Iloilo District Jail Female Dormitory (IDJFD), Pototan, Iloilo.

In response to the COVID19 pandemic, the Super Inday art exhibit provides a breathing space where women who are seemingly invisible, voiceless, powerless, and marginalized are involved in psycho-social care-giving through arts as a survival tool kit expressed in the stories of objects.

This project is a restorative recovery process  from COVID-19 pandemic breaking barriers, bridging isolation while engaging through zoom barter the most vulnerable and marginalized artists in the region such as incarcerated women artists mothering behind bars in Iloilo City District Jail Female Dormitory, Iloilo, Philippines. This is important process of breaking through the darkness , anxiety and depression through transcendence and beauty. The value of expressive arts transcends pain into beauty as the most healing expression of the self and the collective is the main focus of this bartering compassion as part of the Palangga prison art.   

Can Prison be a healing place? The main purpose of this culture-specific healing prison art project, is to reach out to the most vulnerable and marginalized population of women artists badly affected by COVID-19 pandemic. The process of using healing modalities is the reintroduction of community healing arts rooted in the indigenous skills, knowledge, and practices as part of the process in arts making expressed in the culture-specific contemporary form of representation, appropriation and expression.