Alternatives to Violence Project with Super Inday CoLove


The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a training program enabling participants to deal with potentially violent situations in new and creative ways. Workshops are run by our trained facilitators and are experiential (not based on lectures).

AVP started in prisons in the U.S.A. in 1975, and now also operates in communities, schools, colleges and conflict situations worldwide. They run workshops in prisons, communities, schools, colleges and refugee camps around the world. AVP has done work in over 50 countries, 35 U.S. states, and is in 110 prisons throughout the U.S. They have provided tens of thousands of workshops impacting hundreds of thousands of individuals.

The workshops use the shared experience of participants, interactive exercises, games and role-plays to examine the ways in which we respond to situations where injustice, prejudice, frustration and anger can lead to aggressive behavior and violence.

An AVP workshop helps to:

  • manage strong feelings such as anger and fear
  • deal more effectively with risk and danger
  • build good relationships with other people
  • communicate well in difficult situations
  • recognize the skills you already have and learn new ones
  • be true to yourself while respecting other people
  • understand why conflict happens

Alternatives to Violence Philippines (AVP) Team of Volunteers

Patricia Gonzales Masías (F)
Patricia is a facilitator at Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) focusing on the Migrants and refugee community in Sydney, Australia. She has also facilitated in prisons in Peru, her home country Her everyday work focuses on promoting and organising events that centre on traditional beliefs and values and focus on teaching advocacy to individuals. Previously, she worked as a tenant advocate and housing officer for migrants and refugees. She participated in the Communities in Transition residential leadership course and continues to use the skills she learnt in her work.


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